Privacy declaration

Read our privacy statement. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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Article 1. Definitions
a. Personal data; All data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
b. Personal registration; A connection established under the responsibility of the organization - the collection of personal data relating to customers.
c. Organization; Parents Inc.
d. Holder; Sanne Nout and Lotte Bode
e. Administrator; Sanne Nout and Lotte Bode
f. Executor: Person appointed to perform the requested service to the customer.
g.Customer; Individual natural person who has registered or is registered as such with Parents Inc.
h. Registered; The customer.

Article 2. Announcement of privacy regulations
– The organization publishes the privacy policy via the Parents Inc. website. ( to the attention of customers in an appropriate manner.

Article 3. Scope
– The provision of services requested at the request of customers or customer representatives.

Article 4. Inclusion of personal data in the personal registration
Personal data can be included in a personal registration on the basis of:
– voluntary and specific consent from the customer;
– executing an agreement;
– a legitimate (business) interest.
The purpose of recording personal data at the organization is to record personal data for the purpose of providing services.

The following personal data are included in the file:
phone number
Date of birth
service-dependent data

Article 5. Providing personal data
a. Within the organization and under the responsibility of the holder, personal data can be provided to the executors who are directly involved in the Privacy Regulations or who provide guidance to the customer, to the extent necessary for the performance of their task.
c. Outside the organization, personal data can be provided under the responsibility of the holder to:
– At the request of persons directly involved in providing services to the customer, to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties. This only with the customer's permission.
– In accordance with legal regulations.
d. Written permission from the registered person is always required to link data from a separate personal registration.

Article 6. Access to personal data
Without prejudice to any legal requirements, only the following have access to personal data:
– the manager, to the extent necessary in the context of management;
– the holder, to the extent necessary for the performance of his task;
– the executor who collected the data or his replacement or successor.
The personal data is stored in an Excel file on a server.

Article 7. Security of personal data
a. The holder is responsible for the necessary technical and organizational facilities to protect a personal registration against loss or damage to the data and against unauthorized access, modification or provision thereof.
b. Executives of the organization who have knowledge of personal data by virtue of their position are obliged to maintain confidentiality towards anyone else, insofar as they do not need to be aware of the data in question as a result of their position.
Executives who have access to personal data adhere to the Ethical Code of Conduct for Dutch Professional Coaches.
c. If a loss of – or infringement of – personal data is discovered, the executor will report this to an official, who will then report this to the Dutch Data Protection Authority within 72 hours.

Article 8. General written information to customers about recording personal data
The general written information can be requested by the customer from the office.

Article 9. Right to object to the recording of personal data
a. The customer has the right to object to the recording and recording of personal data relating to him/her. The executor to whom this objection is made known will only record the data in question if and insofar as this is necessary for the provision of care and business operations or is required on the basis of a legal regulation.
If the organization cannot respond to the customer's request or is only partially able to do so, this will be communicated in writing within 30 days and with reasons given by the holder.

Article 10. Right to access personal data
a. The registered person has the right to inspect his/her personal data. He/she will have to identify himself/herself.
b. The following procedure is followed:
– A request for access is made in writing by the registered person to the holder. The holder informs the manager.
– The administrator grants access within four weeks of receiving the request.
– The manager informs any employees involved in advance about the request.
c. Inspection can only be refused on the basis of Article 36 of the Personal Data Protection Act. This refusal must be communicated in writing by the holder to the registered person within four weeks, with reasons. The registered person has the right to a copy of the registered personal data. The holder may charge a fee for the copy. The request for a copy is submitted to the holder. The holder shall provide the copy within four weeks of receiving the request. The registered person must identify themselves upon delivery.

Article 11. Right to correction, addition or deletion of personal data
a. The registered person may request the holder in writing to correct, supplement or delete the personal data concerning him or her if they are factually incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant for the purpose of the registration.
b. The holder will inform the registered person in writing within four weeks of receipt of the request whether or to what extent he can comply with it.
c. The holder is responsible for properly establishing the identity of the registered person.
d. The holder is obliged to have the decision to improve, supplement or delete carried out as soon as possible, but within 30 days.
e. The holder will inform those outside the organization to whom he has provided the relevant data in the year preceding the request and the period since that request.

Article 12. Retention periods and subsequent destruction of personal data
a. Subject to legal requirements, the holder determines how long the personal data included in the registration will be retained.
b. Destruction will take place within one year after the end of the retention period, unless a complaint has been filed involving the data or legal proceedings impose a longer retention obligation or unless specific laws state otherwise.
c. The retention and destruction periods do not apply in the event of transfer of the entire personal registration to another organization in the context of the continuity of services.
d. The retention period can be extended by the holder after permission from the registered person.

Article 13. Complaints regarding compliance with these regulations
A customer who believes that he or she has been or will be treated in violation of these regulations can file a complaint about this. Notwithstanding the relevant provisions in these regulations, the end of the period within which a complaint can be submitted coincides with the end of the retention period as stated in these regulations.

Article 14. Transfer and transfer of registration
In the event of transfer or transfer of the registration to another holder, the registered person must be informed of this fact, so that the registered person can object to this.

Article 15. Legal framework
The privacy policy and regulations are aligned with the Personal Data Protection Act (WBP).

Article 16. Final provision
In cases not provided for in this document, the holder decides.

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