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Employee Journey, Buzzword or real attention?

Many organizations map the 'employee journey' within their organization. With nice words like recruiting, onboarding, development and ultimately back to offboarding. Handy for bringing people in. Especially in these times of staff shortages. But often something fundamental is overlooked. Read this blog to find out what that is and what you can do.

My goldfish needs to go to the doctor

“It is better to say that your goldfish needs to go to the doctor than to say that you are going to pick up your child,” it was reported in the Volkskrant last year. The article describes how private appointments at work are often glossed over or referred to as 'external meetings'; are defined. Real life, the article seems to say, is something before half past six. Nonsense of course. Working life is just like real life. Themes that have a huge impact also determine how we do our work.

Impact of private life on work

What happens to us in our private lives affects our performance at work. Of course, everyone says. But do we really find that so natural? Can we also show that in your role as a professional? In our practice we see that many employees do not feel the space to be honest about the impact of combining work and parenthood. In some sectors, resulting in a large-scale exodus of mothers: “this job does not suit my stage of life”. But often also failure: “I can't cope at all anymore.”

Life stages in Employee journey

If you know what stage of life your employees are in, you can proactively discuss this. To do this you need real knowledge of the entire employee journey and a little courage to tackle difficult topics.

But how do you do that?

How do you really respond to the needs of your employees?

  • Step 1: Start by mapping major life events of your employees. Birth, divorce, grief, illness, menopause…
  • Step 2. Make it normal to talk about this, also at work. Facilitate conversations, share knowledge and be open as a manager.
  • Step 3. Fortunately, there are more and more specialists who offer support on life themes such as parenting, grief, informal care and divorce. Know where to find them and offer employees to use them.

Pay attention to the impact of 'life'. In this way you make it normal that appropriate support contributes to how you work, both privately and at work. For example, companies that have a proactive parent-friendly policy perform better, retain talent and have fewer dropouts.

The employee journey therefore not only states what you offer your employees when you bring them on board or which training courses they can follow, but also what you as an employer can offer at times when life is intense.

For the intensive phase of life of young parents

Mom Inc. helps companies develop a suitable offer for the intensive life phase of young parents. Would you also like to get started with your Employee Journey? We are happy to think along with you.

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