About Parents Inc.

Parents Inc. was founded by Sanne Nout and Lotte Bode. They have a clear mission: to build family-friendly workplaces where everyone has the opportunity to flourish and where parenthood is seen as an opportunity for growth. We transform companies so that a healthy balance between work and family becomes self-evident.

Information interview
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The start of our mission

Inspired by our own experiences navigating between parenting and work, we, Lotte Bode and Sanne Nout Parents Inc. set up. In 2015, we both became mothers, coincidentally on the same day. Returning to our careers after furlough, we faced challenges no one had told us about. From juggling work assignments in scarce free moments to the inconvenience of not being able to pump during work meetings, the struggle was real. It seemed as if society and we ourselves expected us to pick up the thread of our careers without a hitch, regardless of the new responsibilities at home.

We thought: this can and must be done differently! And there Parents Inc. saw. the light of day.

Our concept


Our founders

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As an entrepreneur and mother of young children, I came across my own beliefs and societal prejudices surrounding parenthood. I strongly believe that we must take steps together towards a healthier work-family balance, to prevent our children from experiencing the same challenges later. With Parents Inc. I get the opportunity to actively contribute to this progress and support parents during this important phase of life.

Lotte Bode

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As a Rotterdam sociologist, entrepreneur, singer and mother of two boys, I discovered how challenging the transition to motherhood is. My ambition clashed with the new reality of being a mother. The return to work after my leave in particular taught me that we massively underestimate this transition. I was surprised at how little time we take to consciously consider: how do I actually want to do this? This inspired me to develop programs to support new parents in this important phase of life.

Sanne Nout

Core values

The pillars of our work

Sustainable Growth

Parenting grows your team and the performance within your company.

Practical & effective

Immediately applicable solutions for rapid improvements.

Fair share

Equality in the workplace is strongly related to parenting.

To collaborate

Working together to improve your corporate culture in addition to supporting parents.

To collaborate

Our partners

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Robin van Tilburg is a journalist and author of the groundbreaking book 'Kickstart your fatherhood'. He is the founder of the Vadermagazine platform. His mission: more space for men to also be fathers, so that they can give the best of themselves as professionals, parents and partners. Together with Parents Inc. he developed the Work and Fatherhood course, between diapers and a laptop. 

Robin van Tilburg

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As an ambitious HR professional and mother of two young girls, I have experienced for myself how difficult it is to keep all the balls in the air. Working as if you are not a mother and being a mother as if you are not working…. I kept up appearances for a long time. “These are tropical years,” I was often told when I wanted to discuss my search for a good balance between work and family. It has led to an inner drive to break this taboo and to stand up for the mothers and fathers after me. That's why I joined the team at Parents Inc.

Britt van Berkel

Experts in work and parenting

Since 2019, we have specialized in returning after leave and the challenges of combining work and family. We have already helped more than 1,000 parents on their way to an appropriate balance and dozens of employers with a culture in which (again) new parents enjoy working and continue to work healthily.

We know what is going on with (new) parents and we know what steps you can take now to be an even better employer.

Our experts change the view of and on working parents. The impact of parenthood on work is not just about spending nights with a crying baby and a part-time day, but also about developing top competencies that are useful both at home and at work. Our goal? Building a strong bridge between employers and employees to build a culture where work and family life reinforce each other.

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Working with family-friendly employer?

Curious how Parents Inc. can help your organization transform into a family-friendly employer? Schedule a no-obligation information meeting and discover the possibilities.

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